We are at home on the Internet of Things
We are at home on the Internet of Things and open the door to M2M business for you

Industry solutions Inspiration for innovation

M2M is an enormous growth market. Many different industries already rely on M2M applications these days. They will become totally indispensable in the future. This makes it all the more relevant to review your own business models, to recognize the possibilities of industry 4.0 and to exploit them for your own business. You can rely on a reliable and experienced partner with MarcanT Global M2M – from conception to implementation. We have already implemented numerous M2M projects in various industries and know the specific value chains.

Our MarcanT Communication Control Portal (M-CCP) is the foundation of all M2M projects. An overview of the entire infrastructure is offered at all times and the accessibility of the system components is monitored. The "command bridge" automatically alarms defined individuals via email or SMS in the case of faults on request. Find out more about our M-CCP here.

Industry solutions in detail:


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